Auto Injuries
Video provided by Dr. Bennet at Sundial Clinics, UK
Auto Accidents are one of the leading causes of personal injury in the U.S.
And one of the most common injuries that result from car accidents is whiplash - also know as an acceleration/deceleration injury.
Whiplash occurs when the muscles in your neck suffer a strain because they are trying to stop the rapid movement backward and then forward. The sudden motion causes your neck's tendons and ligaments to stretch and tear, resulting in whiplash. This kind of injury is not isolated to just your neck, it can also happen in the mid back and low back.
Can Chiropractic Help?
The short answer is: Yes! What commonly happens is that in the days after this rapid movement injury your body tries to protect itself. In the process of trying to protect your neck and head the muscles of your upper back, shoulders, skull, and neck tighten in the hours and days following your accident. If the joints in your neck were pulled out of alignment during the accident then the muscles continue to hold them there (misaligned) as they tighten. If the joints in your neck were not pulled out of alignment during the accident, then often this tightening of the musculature over the next few days results in pulling those small joints out of their ideal alignment - the alignment that allows your head and neck to move with ease.
So what can I do to help you? I can help ease the tension in your muscles through a number of modalities here in the clinic (including soft-tissue work, and Interferential Current Therapy). Once your musculature is supple enough to allow movement I can adjust the area to correct structural alignment and improve your body's physical function.
Once the musculature has begun to calm and the joint are back in their ideal position the residual swelling and tension in the musculature will begin to decrease more rapidly. Allowing you to get back to moving through life without the pain from your accident.
After you’ve been in an accident there’s a lot going on. Most car insurance companies cover 100% of the cost of care - if you were not at fault. We will gladly work with the insurance company of the responsible party or your attorney to help ensure financial coverage of your care. We will do everything we can to help you afford the treatment you need and want so that you can feel better and get back to your life.